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Applying Lash Extensions Safely During a Pandemic

Jenn Miller

Lash application technicians across Canada are facing a new challenge: lashing during a pandemic. While it’s certainly an unprecedented time for everyone, it’s quickly becoming apparent that this is our new normal. So, as lash technicians, we must ensure that we are upholding the highest standards for safety and sanitization so that we can continue to make our clients feel beautiful and confident, even during a pandemic.

Government Guidelines for Businesses

It goes without saying that the safest thing we can do for our clients, ourselves, and our businesses is to follow all government guidelines for businesses during the pandemic.

In some regions, the government has mandated the lockdown or closure of businesses like ours. While it is unfortunate, it is necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19. If you’re in an area that has restricted the services you offer, be sure to comply. Your company’s reputation and clients’ health depends on it. When the restrictions are lifted, your clients will be eager to see you.

Open for Business

When you can safely open, there are several ways that you can keep your clients safe.

Increase your Cleaning Protocol

Lash technicians learn all about the importance of sanitization and sterilization when they complete certification training. However, to keep clients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, consider increasing your cleaning protocol even further. For example, book more time between clients so that you can thoroughly wipe down all touchpoints between appointments. Don’t forget to wipe down the bathroom, front hall bench, and anything else your client may have touched inside and outside of the lash room.

Post Signage

Be sure that you post both required and appropriate signage. Signage may include reminders to wear masks properly, to physically distance when possible, and to use hand sanitizer upon arriving and leaving. You may also wish to post a sign that outlines what you’re doing to ensure client safety.


Be sure that your clients know that you’re doing all you can to keep them safe. If you have an email list, send a blast email out that outlines all of the new safety protocols you have in place. If you don’t email clients, consider a public post on your social media pages. Clients want to know what you’re doing to keep them safe. Always be available to discuss safety measures with clients.

Wear a Mask and Supply a Mask to Clients

At InfinitiLash, we have always recommended medical-grade masks for technicians for the protection they offer wearers from adhesive fumes. Now, in most parts of Ontario, universal masking is in effect in all businesses, so that means you and your clients must wear masks before, during, and after the lash application process. If your client arrives without a mask, be prepared to supply them with one.

Waive Cancellation Fees for Illness

Encourage clients to stay home when they aren’t well. To help clients make the right choice, agree to waive the fee for cancellations, even on short notice, for clients who are unwell, or who have come in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID, or suspected to have COVID. As well, be sure that you do not see clients if you are under the weather.

Implement Screening and Information Collection

Be sure to screen all clients when they arrive for appointments. It doesn’t need to be invasive. You may simply ask if they’re experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact with anyone with COVID-19. You may wish to print a list of COVID-19 symptoms for clients to quickly reference. While it is likely (it’s recommended!) that you keep client information on file, ensure you collect it if you don’t already it, and keep daily logs of clients and other visitors. This may come in handy in the event you have a COVID-19 exposure and need to contact clients.


If you aren’t sure how to correctly sterilize or sanitize equipment, or you need a refresher of the legal considerations associated with running a lash extension business, contact InfinitiLash today. We’ll teach you how to collect information, implement liability waivers, and properly sterilize all equipment and workspaces.

InfinitiLash - Where Beauty Meets the Eye

If you want to learn more, contact us to discuss our training programs, or to ask questions about our products, services, or the InfinitiLash Method. Visit us on the web 24/7 at

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