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Jenn Miller

Community Marketing for Introverts

Here’s a secret: introverts can be very successful at community marketing. It’s true. You don’t need to be the loudest voice or the room to make an impact.

What is Community Marketing?

Community marketing is a low or no-cost method of spreading the word about your business around the local community. It’s also an extension of your personal branding efforts. Community marketing is crucial. Community members make up your direct customer base. But how can you get your yoga instructor, your grocery store clerk, and the local dog walkers as clients? Talk. Simply talk to them. Talking is free, and it’s the BEST way to get the message out. If you’re just starting, let them know. It’s nice to end with a question. It gets people talking and opens the lines of communication. But what about introverts? How do they manage all of this talking?

Your Introversion is a Strength

Leverage your introversion by recognizing that it is a strength! Not every client is extraverted, and your introverted client base may appreciate your cautious approach! Even extraverts will appreciate the introvert’s propensity for being observant, reflective, thoughtful, and well-spoken. Introverts can make the maximum impact in their interactions using these tips:

Set a Goal and Stick to It

Instead of starting out thinking you need to make every interaction a marketing opportunity, set a small goal. Commit to talking to one person this while you’re running errands. Next week, try making it two. This will help you develop a comfortable routine that includes regular community marketing interactions.

Be Authentic

If you decide that you’re going to fake a super-outgoing bubbly personality to try to win clients, people will see through it. It’s easy to spot someone who is being inauthentic. If people suspect you’re not being honest about who you are, they may start to distrust you and that is the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve – so just be yourself!

Don’t Force It

The social meter runs out sometimes for introverts, and that’s okay. Give yourself permission to take a day off, to spend some time focusing inwardly and reflecting, or just going about your day without engaging Remember, introverts do need that introspective quiet to recharge, and not allowing yourself to do so could have dire consequences on your mental wellbeing.

Community Marketing Ideas for Introverts

While talking is the best method of community marketing, there are some talk-free ways to achieve great results that might appeal to the introverted lash technician, such as:

· Draw your logo in sidewalk chalk outside of your home, and leave some cards on the porch

· Have postcards printed and mailed– save money by hand delivering!

· Buy vinyl stickers of your logo, and affix them to planters outside of your home

· Signage…everywhere!

· Do not underestimate the power of social media

InfinitiLash – Where Beauty Meets the Eye

If you want to learn more about using community marketing strategies to boost your lash business, or if you’re interested in starting your own lash application business, contact us to discuss our training programs, or to ask questions about our products, services, or the InfinitiLash Method. Visit us on the web 247 at

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