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How to Manage Client Anxiety

I have a few clients who have mentioned that they have anxiety issues. It can be difficult to lash these amazing people, but the following tips may help.

An Anxious Client

A year or so ago, I met my first client with anxiety. She was so pumped to get her lashes done, we discussed what look she was hoping for, aftercare, the process, everything. It went very well until I tried to apply the eye pads.

She broke out in a sweat, and started to feel woozy. Her heart was racing and she was breathing heavily. I thought she was going to pass out on me, for sure. I wanted to stop the service right there and then. My client was willing to try and push through so we gave it a go.

Trial and Error

Together, we created a strategy, through trial and error, that worked for her. We tried a few deep breathing exercises, put on her favourite music, then changed it up to her favourite podcast to focus on. It worked to calm her down, immediately. She became more focused on her podcast, than the actual lashing process.

It sounds crazy, but whenever I lash her she puts on a podcast. I have never took the time to listen to podcasts before, and I now look forward to our time together! I have passed this tip on to other clients who exhibited symptoms of anxiety, and they all agreed that this is enough of a diversion for them to get into the relaxation zone.

Other Anxiety Reducing Techniques

So many of our clients are on the go, they forget how to wind down for a service that requires them to disconnect from the world for just a little while. Here are a few more techniques I have found that help clients to switch off and find a more relaxing place within:

  • lowering the overhead lighting

  • playing soft relaxing background music

  • keeping blankets, extra pillows and heating pads for days when my clients need a bit more pampering

If your client has trouble with fluttering eyes, try a dime on the eyelid. Please soak it in alcohol first.

What are your tricks for anxiety? We would love to hear from you. Please email them to, and we will share them in future blogs.

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